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Writer's pictureShekinahRuns

PtR Member Spotlight for March - Alyssa Chance

Once you've met Alyssa it's hard to forget her! It's also hard not to hear her in a crowd! Which is probably one of the reasons why she's such a good mentor for Pumped to Run. Lots of good (and loud) motivation for the runners she helps.

But her personal experience and transformation with running likely help her empathize with the people she helps as well as provide them with concrete proof of how running can help you overcome seemingly impossible challenges. Check out this story about Pumped to Run featuring Alyssa and the program from about 18 months ago

Alyssa also has a deep love and appreciation for trails, hills and stairs! She just recently ran a 50k through the streets and up and down the public stairs in Pittsburgh. I knew there were lots of stairs in Pittsburgh but I didn't know just how many until I saw Alyssa's recounting of the Take the Stairs FA 50k!

Alyssa is another great example of the wonderful people supporting this program that does so much for people who really need help. I hope she inspires you just as much as she inspires me and the people she's helping through PtR.

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